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Four hanging planters in terricota pots with expose roots

October 2020 Propagation

Propagation! This is one of the most rewarding things I have encountered in my hobby of plants. I love that I can take one plant and turn it into several plants. I love watching the little baby plants sprout up from a mother plant. It really is quite satisfying. I know so many of you can relate to that.

For those of you that are new to the wonderful world of plants let me explain propagation. Propagation is the word used to describe the making of more plants! You can do it with just about any plant you already have. I’ve been successful with herbs and produce from the grocery store too! So cool.

So how do we go about creating even more of these wonderful little green friends? All you need is a container of water and a clipping from your plant of choice. It doesn’t hurt to have some root hormone as well, but it’s not necessary.

Simply place the clipping in the container of water. Let the top stick out, do not fully submerge your plant. Then, let sit in a well-lit area and watch the magic! Over the next week or two you will notice little roots beginning to sprout from the stem of your plant. Some roots come right out the bottom, and some appear further up the stem. Each plant is different.

Some plants like pothos and spiders will have visible roots before even being placed in water. Be sure to select a cutting with this characteristic to improve your rate of success. Be sure to visit my Shop to explore some of my own beautiful propagation successes!

I wish you all the best of luck in your next propagation endeavor. For more help with propagation, or anything plant related please email me. Happy growing! I'll be back here next month to talk about watering your plants!