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My online shop is not quite ready for launch. These items and more can be purchased at my physical shop.

Tall green and yellow snake plant in black pot

Snake Plant


Mature snake plant. Water once a month. Thrives in both low light and sunny areas.

All green pothos in white pot off-centered



Beautiful small pothos. Will grow long and dangling leaves. Can tolerate low light, but will grow better with sun. Water twice a month.

Dark green Haworthia succulent with white zebra stripes

Haworthia Succulent


Easy to care for succulent. Requires very little water or sunlight.

bright green fairy castle cactus in terracotta

Fairy Castle Cactus


Beautiful cactus that blooms incredible pink flowers. Little to no water. Can withstand warm temperatures.

closeup of single chicken and hens plant

Chicken and Hens Succulent


Easy to care for succulent. Will sprout babies like crazy. Little to no water. Likes sunny areas.

Hoya Australis plant in white pot with vines coming out top

Hoya Australis


Well established wax plant. Sunny areas are best to produce their very fragrant blooms. Water twice a month.